The Truth About the Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites (Jews): The World’s Best-Kept Secret by Ella J. Hughely was the first book I started reading about Black Jews. I essentially read it initially in one sitting and a second time for further reinforcement. Ms. Hughley unearths a plethora of information affirming that American blacks are in fact descendants of the original Jews. Quoting authoritative sources such as the Holy Bible (the best in my estimate; the rest being commentary), Josephus, The Jewish Encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia Judaica, among others, she builds an impregnable case.
Stating that the Bible “is the main historical source of the original black Hebrew-Israelites,” she quotes that their history begins at Genesis 11:10 where the genealogy of Shem is recorded and thus continues throughout the Old Testament. She asserts that the progenitor of the Israelites, Abraham was indeed black because “he was born in the city founded by the black Nimrod, the grandson of Ham. (Gen. 10:8-10)"
She continues to build the Biblical account of Israel in its original Northeast African context by tracing Abraham’s sojourns to and in Canaan. Hughley asserts that the Canaanites were a black people based on their progenitor’s descent from Ham. Canaan was the son of Ham. (Gen. 10:6) Let it also be said, according to the anatomical researches of Elliot Smith, that “Hamite” and “Semite” were the same some thousands of years ago. (See Godbey’s The Lost Tribes a Myth, p. 488) Of course meanings of these words changed to fit pseudo-linguistic special interests and agendas.
We are then taken to Israel’s 400 year captivity in Egypt, also in Africa, and their subsequent sojourn back into Canaan where Abraham and the Habiru had been before (Gen. 12:5).
The rest of the book focuses on Israel’s periods of Captivity due to their disobedience to the commandments of Yahweh, the original Religion of the Israelites (Yahvism), the reclamation of a Religious Heritage, the Return of a Remnant, the true House of Israel. She even goes into the secret but true history of the white Eastern European Jews, known as Ashkenazim. Another interesting facet of history that she brings out in the book is the origin of race classification. She reveals that it began with a man by the name of Johannes Blumenbach in the 18th century... intriguing indeed.
Though I do not agree with all of Ella Hughley’s conclusions, this is an engaging read. Unlike some Hebrews, she acknowledges Jesus as a prophet sent from God but fails to acknowledge him as Moshiach. She seems to erroneously affirm Israel as the Messiah, a grave error indeed.
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